Knowledge Base

How does auto-cancellation and cancellation by agent, tourist work?

Date of publication: 19.03.2024 (last update 04.02.2025)

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Auto-cancellation is a guaranteed free cancellation of a booking in case of non-payment.

How does auto-cancellation work?

When booking the "Free Cancellation" rate, payment is not required until the free cancellation period ends.

For the "Non-Refundable" rate, you have 2 hours to make a 100% payment.

In both cases, if payment is not received on time, the booking will be automatically canceled without penalty.

If you decide to cancel the booking before the time limit expires, you can do it without penalties:

  1. Go to the Menu > Bookings section in the agent's account and select the desired booking.
  2. Click the Cancel booking button in the order and cancel the booking without penalty.

On the main page of the Menu > Bookings section and within the booking itself, you will see a timer counting down to the final payment deadline (date and time of auto-cancellation) for the "Free Cancellation" rate or a 2-hour countdown for the "Non-Refundable" rate.

If a booking is created by a client on the agent's website, will auto-cancellation still aply?

Yes, for bookings created on your website or under the B2B2C payment scheme (from the client via your link), the same automatic cancellation conditions apply if the tourist does not pay 100% of the required amount.

Free auto-cancellatin applies to all Unit travel products: dynamic packages, hotels, transfers, flights, exursions and car rentals.

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